The 26 Reasons People Buy

From Joe Vitale’s book, the AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising.

The following help you begin the buying trance…

  1. make money
  2. save money
  3. save time
  4. avoid effort
  5. get more comfort
  6. achieve greater cleanliness
  7. achieve better health
  8. escape physical pain
  9. gain praise
  10. be popular
  11. attract the opposite sex
  12. conserve possessions
  13. increase enjoyment
  14. gratify curiosity
  15. protect family
  16. be in style
  17. have or hold beautiful possessions
  18. satisfy appetite
  19. emulate others
  20. avoid trouble
  21. avoid criticism
  22. be an individual
  23. protect reputation
  24. take advantage of opportunities
  25. have safety
  26. make work easier

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